lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2016


Km 5 1/2 vía a Daule, Guayaquil 





Internal Games

This is a sport competition between all high school courses, they select a team for each sport. There's a team for boys and one for girls in every sport, except for volleyball,0 where they all mix.
The matchs are played during the breaks in a school week, generally in November, and it finishes in the "Sports Moring" that is on a Saturday, there the winner team from basic education play against the winner team from baccalaureate and that's how they set the high school winner.


The "Gymkhana" is a tradition in "La Asuncion" that takes place one week in August. This activity is organized by the authotities and students from 6th grade, they choose the general topic, and the sub-topic for each course.
Every course has 16 gymkhaners, who are the ones that participate in a direct way, they are divided in two groups of eight persons, and everyone else, who is not a gymkhaner, is in the support group, they also have many intersting and fun tasks to do, like having to take a picture in an important monument or making the Eiffel tower with ice cream sticks.
Finally, it ends on a saturday, where we are all day going around the city and doing the presentations in different spots, then we go back to the school and finish it.


Saint Marie-Eugénie de Jésus. R.A., born Anne-Eugénie Milleret de Brou, (August 25, 1817 – March 10, 1898) was a Catholic religious sister who founded the religious congregation of the Religious of the Assumption in 1839. On June 3, 2007, she was canonized in the Vatican City by Pope Benedict XVI.
Her proyect got so big that in 2007, the Religious of the Assumption included 1,300 Sisters from 44 nationalities, located in 34 countries on four continents. From the beginning, the order's work would be a partnership with the laity. Today's Assumption is a lay and religious partnership.
"Education is to allow the good in every person to breakthrough the rock that imprisons it and bring it into the light where it can blossom and shed its light..." - St. Marie Eugénie de Jesus, Foundress, Religious of the Assumption.

Vision and Mission

"We want an institution proyected to the future with an humanistic education, transforming, integral and inclusivebased on the assumptionist pedagogy, that forms young people who are passionate for god's kingdom, with an excelent academic quality, strong ecological awareness, esthetic and technology at the service of society."

"The Educational Unit of  "La Asunción", religious and laity, in shared mission, want to form young people with firm character, strong wills and solid knowledge, that defend life, that are sensitive and know the reality, the give alternative answers to our world considering the humanizing richness of the Bible, in front of the constant changes of the world today and committed with the society"

Welcome to "La Asunción"!

In this new blog for "La Asunción" high school you'll be able to discover and learn many things about the institution, like how it started and what traditions they have.
So, if you want to know more, look into the many sections of the blog.